Things I Love About Having A Two Year Old
The emotional rollercoaster of raising a toddler, and finding joy amidst a season of HARD.
T W O. It’s been emotional, it’s been real, and there have been many days of counting down to October when she will be three.
I swear it’s like a whole new bossy human woke up one day right around 18 months old, and she’s just now starting to rejoin society again. This year has been a wild ride, but in the midst of all the hard, I don’t want to forget how much GOODNESS and joy she’s brought to our life throughout this year, too.
Toddlers are so funny and filled with so much emotion. My sister says, “It’s like they act on every intrusive thought they have.” And that couldn’t be more true. The random things I’ve had to say, “don’t eat!” for or the number of times she’s thrown something that was breakable, or I found her practically swimming in the dog bowl, or close to jumping off the dining room table. Toddlers will keep you on your toes. But they are so full of love too, the deeply nourishing kind that hits you right in your heart. Their eyes say everything they mean, and they care so deeply about it all that it makes you excited to show them the world.
I don’t want to forget the magic amidst the mundane, and chaotic, year that toddlerhood has been so far. So I wrote a list of some of the things I love about having a two-year-old. Maybe if you’re also in the throes of it, you can remember the joyful bits too.
The way she gasps constantly over anything exciting or new.
Her love for dinosaurs and screaming “ROAR” at the most inopportune yet funny times.
How she can do every sign and noise for every animal ever, even if she isn’t fully talking yet.
The way her little voice says “Dad” or “help me”.
How she points to go to the living rooom in the morning after she’s had enough snuggles.
Her preference for potato chips and french fries, and the excitement she feels when she gets to use the “dippy” sauce.
How she runs around in her diaper all day, happy as can be.
How she flaps her arms and squeals when she realizes we’re about to go to the pool or beach.
The way she kisses my hand over and over again when she’s grateful I’m listening to her and doing something she’s asked for.
Her reaction when I say, “smile!” is throwing her arms up in the air and standing on one hip, smiling profusely.
The passionate love she has for pacifiers (ignoring my own panic over taking them away soon).
How she comes running when I say, “want to brush your teeth?”
The little finger shushing anything she thinks is asleep.
How she “hurts” herself and immediately comes over to me to kiss whatever spot she just bumped or touched.
The way her eyes seem so round and bright when she looks at me first thing in the morning.
How darn FUNNY she is, and how she keeps us laughing all the time with her silly antics.
Her obsession with play dough and also eating (probably too much of) it.
The love she has for her stuffed animal, Bunny, and how she won’t go anywhere without her.
The way she gently pets the dogs when they sit near her.
How much she loves fruit, especially watermelon and apples, and would live off of orange juice if we allowed it.
How she mirrors everything we do and loves to mimic us in so many ways.
The way she grabs my face with her hands when we’re cuddling together, just so she can look me right in the eyes.
How she screams, “mama!” and comes running for me if her feelings are ever hurt or she gets scared by a random noise.
What’s something your toddler does that you want to bottle up and keep forever? I’d love it if you shared in the comments.
Toddlerhood has been a challenge, but I’m learning that hard doesn’t mean bad, hard can also be insanely beautiful and GOOD. Toddlerhood is hard, but it’s hilarious, and sweet, and fun, and exciting, and all the extremes wrapped up into one perfect tiny human who you get to witness growing and learning and changing everyday, and I couldn’t be more honored to be this one’s mama.
I’ve never seen anything more true than a toddler celebrating their wins. Said a new word? Thunderous applause. Put the shape in the puzzle? Celebration dance. Excited to wake up from nap? Thrilled squeals.
When did we lose this? And how do we get it back?
I don't want to that 'that guy' that three is no picnic, three made two seem like a dream with my boys 😂 (but hopefully you'll find you have a different experience)
Despite what I've said above, I love these early years. The meltdowns are big but so are the happy emotions, and I just find it so fascinating and heartwarming to watch them learning and growing and experiencing everything for the first time. I think the harder stuff just makes the good parts that much sweeter, so I'll take it.
Lovely list 💞