I also have a hard time with podcasts sometimes too. There’s a lot of what I call “inspiration porn” out there that can make you feel like you’re not doing enough, even though the apparent goal is to help you along. I hate that it backfires like that sometimes, but I’m glad that I have learned to take a step back, listen to something that has nothing to do with the creative thing I’m working on, and enjoy that instead.

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Ah yes!! That's a perfect way to describe it. I definitely have to be super specific on which podcasts I listen to, and always practice unattachment to what the host is saying. Leaving what doesn't feel right for me. That's definitely easier said than done, though!

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Can relate to so much here. My creativity comes when I allow myself to rest and have fun too, alongside all of those inconvenient times like the shower or driving 😅

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Ah yes, rest is CRUCIAL, isn't it?

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“Creativity loves chaos. Creativity thrives with movement, flow, and excitement.”

This line made me smile so much. And you’re absolutely right, it is the nature of creativity and the feminine and it cannot be tamed. Like you said, you can’t create on a schedule or structure because creative energy doesn’t thrive there.

This post also hugely reminds me of Liz Gilbert’s book “Big Magic” (I’m sure you’ve read it) and how she describes creativity as an almost living thing that flutters about, finding you in the most normal moments of life. But of course you have to be open and willing to receive it in the first place right? ✨

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Kerry, hi! Yes exactly!! I love how you say, "it can't be tamed" so true! Like a wild garden.

And yes, I definitely thought of Liz's book a few times while writing it! I haven't read it again since it came out years ago, but I feel like I need to pick it back up!

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Not familiar with that book, but it is now on my list…thank you!

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Love and relate to every word! I am much the same, my creativity comes through within the mess of the mundane. Dropping hot ideas down into the notes to come back to when ‘convenient’.. but also most the time again, within the mess 🔥

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Yes!! There is magic in the mess, that's for sure! I love that you've been able to embrace it to make it work for you!

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Yes I totally agree with all of this! I always find walking and moving about helps with creativity - it must shake all the ideas loose 😁

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I love that thought-- shaking the ideas loose, so accurate!!

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same! being outside and walking at any pace will definitely jostle alot in my mind! and it always seems that my best ideas hit me when i don't have pen and paper handy...yup...im a paper & pen person! and now you have inspired me to take a quick walk! xoxo

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I couldn't love this post more - this bit especially:

"It really wasn’t until my daughter was born that I realized true creativity comes from imperfection."

I'd never thought about creativity this way but you are so right - realising that is what fuels creativity is so helpful. I also get inspiration in the shower, when I'm cooking and just when I'm with the kids - I'm constantly tapping in my Notes! I've found too that going somewhere new or having a change in routine inspires that creativity too. Your perspective on creativity too gives us permission to just start where we are already at too ❤️

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Aww yes I loved having that realization too. It was a big one for me.

You're so right, getting out of our day-to-day can be SO helpful for reigniting that creativity, too!

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« Creativity loves chaos. Creativity thrives with movement, flow, and excitement. « 

I love these words Hunter... 🙏🏽

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I'm so glad these words resonated with you!!

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Oct 11, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

So true. I have notes on my phone and scattered over three or four notebooks - in my bag, by my bed, next to my chair and in the shed. One day I’ll gather and collate them 😂

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I love that, Alison! I'm sure you have pure magic in those words, can't wait to see what you create with them.

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Creativity is definitely far from convenient. I woke at 4am with an idea for a brand guide and now plan to create a shop page for digital products on my site. Sleep is calling again but we have to grasp these moments of magic when we can ✨

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Ahh yes! I love that, Sarah. You really are at the mercy of creativity when you choose to live a creative life, aren't you? Also very excited for your shop page!! That's going to be amazing!!!

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I can SO relate to this. Sometimes I feel like I'm always waiting for ONE DAY to happen, where it will all line up and I'll get to blissfully write in my office for hours while someone watches my kids downstairs. But the truth is, when I got that opportunity while on maternity leave, I felt so stifled by the expectations I had put on myself. I was more productive from 5-6AM when I was writing before they woke up than in the planned hours in the middle of the day. It's so fun when you do figure out what works for you though, isn't it? :)

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YES! I am the same way. Before having Maverick, I would spend all day ruminating on what I should create instead of actually creating. Now, when I have her two-hour nap (that may or may not be a full two hours), I just know I have to pick something and go full speed with it, and it's forced me to actually LIVE creatively vs just dreaming about it. Motherhood really does hold the mirror up to ourselves, doesn't it? I think there's a magic in that 5am morning energy too!

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I resonated deeply with this post. Personally, I feel like consuming a lot of entertaining media blocks my creativity—but it's actually just about going into the right channels like nature. What inspires me lately is the chilly autumn air and the tiny tall mushrooms that pop out of someone's front yard... I feel like fairies or tiny magical communities visit these mushrooms often. Just me? Haha!

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I'm so glad you enjoyed reading this, Jae. Yes! Media definitely blocks my creativity and I've noticed I've gotten sucked into the Instagram hole lately. I need to take a break from it, for sure.

What beautiful inspirations you're experiencing!! And absolutely YES, the fairies are for sure visiting! Or my toddler who lives for pulling the mushrooms out of the yard 😂.

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Totally agree! My problem is then having the time/space to act on the creativity/ideas when I don't have freedom for 8 hours during most days of the week 😭 that's what I need to work on 😁

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I feel you! I currently have two hours during the day while my daughter naps (she's a night owl so I don't get much time at night) but she's starting to drop the nap and I am MOURNING it. I do find though that most of my creations are made at the kitchen table while she's coloring our something, so it is possible, just untraditional. Haha

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I’m at the EXACT same stage. That afternoon toddler nap is golden writing time but it’s coming to an end and I can’t cope! 😆

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The nap is a lifesaver! Oh gosh no!!! How old is yours?

I can't cope either 😂 We literally have been letting her stay up until like 10 at night because I am so against dropping the nap but she won't go to sleep earlier if she has it. I know it needs to happen 😂

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Same here! He’s three, and bedtime is getting sooo late because of that afternoon nap it’s crazy. But he loves it and so do I 😆 It’s a tough one!

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Hello to another Floridan! My best creative inspiration comes when I'm either about to fall asleep or when with my meditation group. I'd love to write stuff down, but you know, I'm supposed to be in the present moment with the other meditators haha.

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YAY! A fellow Floridian! You're the first one I've met here! Where in Florida do you live?

Ah yes, love the 'about to fall asleep' inspiration strike (my sleep doesn't love it though haha). I love that you get lots of downloads in your meditation group too!

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Wow, really? I'm over in NE FL, Jacksonville specifically. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff!

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This is wonderful. I must admit that before I adopted a more creative life I did subscribe to the 'it must be nice to...' mindset. In my mind (as a girl firmly put into science at school and not art) artistic, creative types wafted about in linen all day, being dreamy and playing host to their muse. Now I would class myself as much more of a creative person (although the science is still there in the background) and like you I find that my most creative moments are often when I'm doing something really mundane like driving, or standing in a queue at the pharmcy.

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I love this, Louise! Yes, I definitely had that mindset too for awhile.

Hahah I have to laugh because I do wear a lot of linen 😂 But I totally know what you mean! And that's so interesting that you were put into the science side of things more than art. Were you pushed into it or just because you were good at science? It's so interesting how these seemingly small moments as kids affect us and our beliefs about ourselves. Now you're an insanely creative person!! I love that!

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Being human is being part of creation - we are naturally creative beings. Finding inspiration in the everyday is key and like you, I have to get out into nature to spark my imagination, to get lost in my thoughts. A kind of meditation where ideas and more profound thoughts will pop into my head, connecting with nature, connecting with our higher selves, connecting with our creativity. Lovely post. 💜🙏

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Yes!! I didn't want to sound religious at all (because I'm not) but I originally had the final line as something like, "we're creations ourselves, after all."

I love that nature is what sparks creativity for you. It's the most potent way to get ideas out for me too. Nature is pure magic.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I don't think it sounds religious, it's self awareness and an understanding of our connection to Mother Earth, Nature and each other. Nature is pure magic and so are we..(I mean as a collective) 😆

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Very true! I should have just included it 😂

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Yesss to all of this and embracing the creativity in the chaos, it certainly isn’t perfect and can feel both overwhelming and frustrating at times but here for it all. No point in waiting for the perfect moment/circumstances to (not!) come... and yes I so relate to random ideas popping up when doing other things. I love your ideas which seem to encourage a sense of flow in life which leads to more creativity. And I agree that the wisdom of trees never fails us xx

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Absolutely!! I think it's more important we create space for the ideas to flow than creating perfect circumstances for them, if that makes sense. Love that you resonated with this too!!! And yes, trees are so wise!

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