YES to all your questions. If this marine biologist can embrace Magick and Goddess wisdom as a Wiccan Priestess, you (and anyone else!) can find your way back to your innate Intuition

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Ahh I absolutely LOVE this Victoria! Yes yes yes!!

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A knowing, always a deep knowing... I’ve written about this too a little today and I have often connected the sharing of female voice and feeling safe to do so here on Substack with a reawakened wisdom - a remembering we are safe to be magic, safe to see! ✨💗🌀🎁

Such beautiful writing and love the pic!!!

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Absolutely!! It's such a deep knowing. I love that you wrote about this too!

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Jul 4, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

Epic. Wonderful. A daydream. Shimmering, babbling brook. Fairies. Yes, yes, yes.

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Ahh you get it, yes!!

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Yes yes! Motherhood is a portal to remembering ourselves and the magic within! Loved reading this reclamation Hunter! ❤️🌹

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It absolutely is!! So glad you resonated, too!

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It's so exciting isn’t it Hunter? We all have magic within us and yes many of us are beginning to remember. Knowledge is learnt, wisdom is remembered and we were born with all the gifts, skills and talents we could possibly need in this lifetime. We just have to awaken them. We rise again where once we were fallen. Enjoy the magical journey! 🙏💫

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It's SO exciting! My mom started introducing me to the spiritual world when I was 13 (before that we were in a Christian church and then kicked out of said church) and it blew my mind, and I feel like I've had to get knocked upside the head over and over again before I really start to listen. But I've decided now is the time and I am ready to listen.

Thank you!!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

“When we stop listening to the world around us telling us who we should be, what we should do, how we should live, and we get silent. We slow down.

We remember.” Love, love, love this! 🥰

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Love that you love this, and totally get it too! It really is about slowing down to hear ourselves, isn't it?

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This is so beautiful and powerful. I feel like going dancing in the woods under a full moon right now ✨

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Ah you MUST!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

This resonates so much with what I have been exploring these past years. Happy I found you in the webs of Substack, Hunter!

I want to share how the word ‘remember’ can be seen as ‘re-member’ = to re-connect parts of us back together, so that which has been once torn apart becomes WHOLE again.

I think it’s time I shared this idea in an essay, thank you for inspiring me!

Will be following you on here, and joining on the road of re-membering and re-enchanting the world! 🕸️✨

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Ah, Nika, I'm so sorry I missed this comment of yours earlier! Your interpretation of 'remember' is so beautiful, and I deeply connect to that. Did you write an essay about it? If so, I'll have to give it a read! Thank you again!!

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I LOVE how the Universe works! The day you replied (seemingly out of blue) I was JUST thinking that I should come back to this idea which had been pushed aside by other creative endeavours. I take it as a sign 😌✨ Will let you know when the essay is out in the world!

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That's WILD! And so cool. Wow, yes. Absolutely let me know when you share it!! The world must need your words on this!

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This deep, wise, inner knowing magic... that is exactly what I feel I am rediscovering in my life as I near 50. I am slowly shifting and embodying the magic within and embracing a life of magic all around. Thank you for the post, Hunter. It was like a deep drink for my soul - and a reminder of my own magic in this stormy, turbulent time in my life. 💫

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I love that you're feeling the call too, how special to be on this journey together! It feels comforting to know there is so much energy working around us, within us, and above us to make magic happen.

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This is just simply beautiful! 🤩

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Thank you so much, Sophie! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

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deletedJul 2, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf
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Aw thank you so much Luisa, that means the world to me!

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