Ahhh yes love a DITL and yours is such a beautiful one. I totally know what you mean about being worried your daily life wasn’t interesting enough to share but I can assure you that’s not the case and I think that often the small things that don’t stand out as remarkable to us, are the things that other people see as a source of inspiration. You do a brilliant job of weaving in your work, your self-care and mothering, not an easy feat. I also love how flexible and adaptable your rhythm is depending on the day. Thank you for sharing with us x

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Thank you so much, Lyndsay! I'm so grateful it resonated with you and didn't feel boring! It's funny how I could literally read daily routines all the time and love them, but then I think my own isn't worth posting 😂

It's definitely a balance and I get a lot of support from my husband which is so helpful, but we try to be super present with Maverick (with a sprinkle of probably too much tv time 😂). And definitely adapt based on what the day requires!

Thank you again for your sweet comment! Xx

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

What a beautiful way to live. 🪷

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Thanks so much, Jae!

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I love reading other peoples daily routines! I think it is great that you incorporate self care into your routine. What is your favorite form of self care?

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Thanks so much! I love reading them too! My favorite is by far taking a long bath while reading a really good book. I just love it so much! What about you?

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I love a nice long warm bath. My favorite form of self care is hiking. I usually go with my dad or sister and we have occasionally conversations, but we all enjoy the silence and just listening to all the sounds of nature.

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Ah that's so beautiful! Hikes can be so magical. Thank you for sharing!

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SHUT. UP. I am putting the final touches on my "day in the life" right now. Goes live tomorrow! I haven't had a chance to read yours yet, but I am going to listen to it audio format later today when I am cooking dinner ◡̈ excited to learn more about your day in the life!

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Ah no way!! We're connected, haha! I love it! Can't wait to read yours, especially since we have similarly aged little ones!!!

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Love the details of your day. And the honesty about the screen time! My favorite time of day is like yours -- is dinner time with the family.

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Thanks so much, Stephanie! It's definitely something I struggle with but in this season of life, it just is what it is for us. Dinners together are the best!!

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What a beautiful life, Hunter! I wish I had been this present and aware while raising my son. Who knows? Maybe I even would've had a second child if I had parented this way. 😁

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Aw, thanks Jenna. Parenting is so stinkin' hard. I am massively supported by my husband which is a huge privilege. I think if he wasn't home 'in it' with me, it would be a much different experience for me.

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

Love daily routines with kids!

I miss nap times! But since no nap, he’s going down to bed my 6/7pm and frees the whole evening to reset the home and write, which I love as I feel creative at night.

Just sometimes a challenge to get through that 1-3pm period both normally working from home. I get tired around then and it’s normally “quiet time/book/screen” while I rest.

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So glad you enjoyed reading this!

Maverick started showing signs of dropping the nap last week and I was SO sad about it, but she did go to bed by 8 each night (normally she's 9/9:30) which was amazinggg. I would be so happy with a 7pm bedtime, haha, so crossing my fingers that happens! I noticed too that with earlier nights I don't feel quite so pushed to get things done, since I can work until whenever I want. Just have to contend with the sleepiness.

I definitely want to work on keeping consistent with quiet time so she'll get comfortable with it as she grows. Love that it's working for you guys!

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Loved reading this peek into your day Hunter 🧡

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Thanks so much, Mackenzie!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

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Ooooh I love reading this! Although if I did one of these it would be a lot less slow!!!! It sounds so beautiful... I actually feel a little sad reading it because it’s like my old days with Sophia... and it feels so far away now as it’s so chaotic with both of them! I really miss that lunchtime nap!!!!! I swear I lost over a day’s worth of work time over the week when she dropped that! I do try and take these slow moments as much as possible... mornings particularly I try and keep as slow and I make few plans for our days when I have both on my own because I like to just lean into it all! Thank you for sharing xxx

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Aw I bet it's so different when there's more than one. I'm definitely soaking it up. My mom always tells me about how I was an early riser and my sister was a night owl, so she was always sleep deprived because I'd be up at 5:30 every morning and my sister would be up until 11pm every night. Two is just a different ball game. Haha

Maverick started showing signs of dropping the nap last week and I literally cried to Matt about it because I value that time alone so much, but this week she's back into napping so I'm crossing my fingers it will stay around for a while longer.

Thank you so much for reading and your sweet comment, Lauren! Xx

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I love DITL - this is so lush to read - I have so much to say but I’m tired and Luna had a late nap so I’ll reply in the morning! 💖✨

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Aw thanks Claire! Hope you can get some good sleep tonight!!

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Ahh thanks - She’s shouting a lot in her sleep at the moment 🥴 and I’m hoping we are weaning this weekend as we have our first 3 nights apart while I take the bigger one to London!

I loved reading about your day and how you weave in work. I tend to work early mornings every day - some time and solitude seems to set me up for the day ahead.

The second morning in our camper van I over slept, it was misty and there wasn’t time to do my morning routine or even make coffee and it really bothered me to the point of tears - I hate being rushed. It’s like everything feels wrong because we are so slow in our day usually... does that make sense?

I’m nervous about London and this transition for us all but trying to rekindle a deep knowing of adventure and the creative charge I know will come as part of that!

I’d love to know more about your activities! L used to like to line toys up all along the floor but Luna is more into role play like doctors and tea parties and she needs me for that! 😅


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Oh gosh! That's hard to wake up to shouting. I would be alarmed!

Good luck on the weaning, that's so hard but it'll feel right once it's done! And enjoy your time with your older one!! How nice you two will get that time together.

Ahh I feel you on the slow mornings. This morning I told my mom we'd meet her for breakfast and then overslept, so rushed to get there and I felt so discombobulated all day! So out of sorts. I neeeeed a good slow morning routine haha

With activities, Maverick mostly loves to play with her toys. We'll stack blocks for forever, or play with her toy cars all over the house. She's not into role-playing (yet) and I'll read to her a lot, but she much prefers to sit and act like she's reading herself haha she'll entertain herself like that for forever. I've also tried to include her in cooking as much as I can but she hasn't shown a huge interest in it yet. She also has an obsession with bubbles, so we blow a lot of bubbles throughout the day 😂

I'll be thinking of you this weekend while you're in London! I hope you have a wonderful time and get some good rest, too! Xx

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