Eeek I adore this post and can really hear your creative voice here! I feel like all the steps are lessons and then we have to leave enough SPACE to be responsive - eg I never planned to teach how to use Substack but by the time I’d showed 6 people how to use it in my creative content club course and 2 people suggested I should teach a master class I thought WHY NOT!

I jumped at the thought of DITL vlogs as I’ve never mastered video but I feel I have so many slow lived stories to tell especially around keeping chickens and pottering around our garden spaces... so there’s the first step in co creation! I’m reflecting back to you I’d be super interested! 🌟 💫

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Ahh thank you so much for this, Claire! I love that that's how you started teaching on Substack! And yay! DITL vlogs have been really fun for me to create, so I feel like that's definitely the first thing I could teach directly here on Substack! I've already gotten the outline together, so I guess now I have to create it. Eek. Haha thank you again!!

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✨🥰I think the paywall offers so much for creators as my course platform is a big investment each year and one I cherish but I might have done things differently if I’d have found Substack two years back...

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Love this! I’m away on holiday didn’t think I’d look at substack but glad I saw this post popped in. So inspiring.

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Ah yay! I'm truly so grateful this is resonating with you all! Thanks for taking the time while on holiday to comment, Dawn!

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I only kept Substack app on my phone on holiday and it felt such nice vibes. I didn’t have any others. ✨📱✨📖

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Yes. It’s soo true x

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Oh gosh this is me! I have so many ideas whizzing around my head. So many things I could do, and some I plan and even start, but I get in my own way. I don’t advertise or see it through properly and I don’t know why. It’s so frustrating sometimes.

It took me years to finally start my Simple & Calm course, and I so wish I’d have started it sooner because I love it. Although, hosting it on Substack has been amazing so on the other hand I’m glad I waited.

I really like the idea of co creating and sharing to keep accountable though! I’m looking forward to whatever it is that you do 😊

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Ahh yes I feel the same! I'm thinking that too, like maybe it was just about timing because Substack seems like such a good fit for me (and so many others!). I can't wait to see what you keep creating, as well! Thank you for your comment!!

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It’s great you’ve launched your course. It’s really inspiring. I think sometimes it’s finding the right platform isn’t it. Sounds like launching on Substack is perfect and the right timing for you.

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I absolutely agree about timing! I really don’t think the course would have worked on any other platform. The support alone has been incredible, it’s such a wonderful platform

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Thank you so much for sharing this post, I relate so much to all that you say! I also love brainstorming and have so many ideas, too many sometimes and end up not knowing which one to follow. I think that is part of being a creative, but I also love the idea of co creating and sharing, instead of it all being in our own head.

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It seems to definitely just be part of a creative's life! But I do have to say, it feels freeing to 'put it all out there' in a way, and see what sticks. What are you working on these days? Thank you so much for your comment!

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I honestly felt so much better about myself reading your words. Due to Burnout over a decade ago I had to give up my coaching and training career in the creative industry. I’ve been journey of healing from Burnout and into motherhood and now I am working on bringing together all my lessons from Burnout, mindful living as well as reclaiming my creativity and working on a new business - DawnedUpon Calm. I think Substack is a fantastic place to begin. When I return to the UK from holiday I will finish Claire’s (creativity conscious) substack course. Which has given me some insight to new possibilities. Can’t wait to connect more on here..

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I'm so glad my words spoke to you, and I'm so grateful you've taken the time to comment! Ah man, burnout is a beast. That's great you're slowly finding your way back. When I saw the name of your Substack I instantly loved it! I can't wait to see how your new business flourish's. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your holiday, too!

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Thanks so much, it feels so good to connect here, I have felt a little isolated all these years and substance feels such a wonderful place to meet like minded people.

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I feel the same way! So glad we've connected!

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Apr 10, 2023·edited Apr 10, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I have been working with Christie Inge on my HD and she says the key for MGs is to do what they love. It's never about the outcome but the actual process. Manifesting in HD is ACTION. Not outcome.

She also sends out fantastically useful newsletters. One recently was all about not finishing things.

Also in my HD it says not to leave a job/lover/home until another is found so might be worth checking out. You sound like you have lots to offer...

I am in a similar place to you ;) and don't want to burn out again. I don't have a job but do need to create my own income somehow. :0)

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Ah thanks so much for this, Karen! I definitely need to focus more on the process than the outcome, and it's so helpful to have that reminder. Love that you're working with Christie on this! I'll have to sign up for her newsletter!

I hope you can find what you love to do without the burnout! Xx

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I feel like you are in my mind, Hunter! We are at very different stages in terms of our creative careers, but I too have been having the urge to share more about my creative journey and the possibilities and the choices and the what ifs etc but felt restrained by the idea that we have to present a finished idea and stick to it in order to be taken seriously. I had not heard of the idea of co-creation, but I love it! One of my mantras having realised a similar pattern in myself is 'doubt and do'. It's only through the doing part that we actually live out reality, however that ends up unfolding (often in unexpected ways).

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Oh I love this, Charlie! Doubt and do is suchhhh a good mantra, I'll definitely be stealing that for myself! Exactly. I've realized recently that when I just do, what I initially thought it was going to be ends up being completely different but much more aligned. When I sit and plan is when I don't actually do anything. Thank you for your wise words!

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What do you have to lose?

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A resounding YES to all of this. I move through all those same challenges exactly as you described them *and I am also* 11 years into a successful 6 figure business.

Focusing on process not outcomes, doing the next clear step rather than trying to figure everything out and rooting myself and my business in my slow values have helped me avoid burnout and build a community full of amazing humans I'm so dang grateful to serve.

Take your time, listen to your body and your spirit more than you listen to 'gurus' and you'll wake up one day to suddenly realize you DID it!

Can't wait to see what you manifest!

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Love that you could share here all of your ideas and options as a way of co-creating, but without the pressure on follow-through, because after all, you certainly can't do them all! I am a Manifestor in Human Design, and learning about it totally changed how I work/what I do and how I approach it. As for truly manifesting, I find that taking action and steps forwards is all it takes to manifest our dreams, once we are in alignment. I love the idea of teaching the vlogs by the way! I love video but find it very time-consuming, which I'm sure is the case of many people, so I'm sure courses on that would do really well!

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Oh my goodness Hunter, I resonate with so much in this piece. I am thinking about ways to slow down even more (my goodness that has been the lesson that just keeps on giving in so many ways 🙃) & after another bout of not being well, looking at ways to actually live slowly & meaningfully, be creative & thrive.

I turn 55 this year & I’ve set in my mind that things REALLY need to change before my health falls completely apart.

I’ll be interested to see where you go & which options you might offer to others!! Keep me posted! The vlogging thing scares me witless but I love watching vlogs so could be a goodie & a nod at my very real fear/discomfort around being on camera 😂

Tiffany 🧡

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