I have recently slipped into this place of no words however i have found it to be cyclical embedded in my late inner autumn and since we are also in late winter autumn outwardly in the seasons i have noticed it much more deeply. Here are some things i have tried during my days of almost literally no words.

In case you are in search of a few ideas...

1. I told myself it's okay to not have any words for as long as that takes.

2. I went for a vigorous hike in nature which was quite lovely and I took my journal should words emerge. They did not. But it was great to get out of beating my head in tapped into my body.

3. I listened to Hans Zimmer soundtracks while sitting to attempt writing. This at least stirred emotion. Lol

4. I listened to podcasts about fiction writing since I am working on a fiction piece.

5. I asked my son for a random prompt to write a fiction scene completely out of my comfort zone. He chose 1940s Cigar bar Private I. Film noir style. It was super fun. I took it to my writers meet up.

6. I went to hear my friend play in a quartet which covered Hans Zimmers music and it was a candlelight concert. It was mesmerizing.

My takeaway was take the pressure off. Play. Take myself on artist dates. Find music without words or hear other people talk about interesting topics. I chose to write in a different genre from a different POV. I have put aside writing in Substack for the moment and am enjoying exploring character development.

Maybe you can shake things up a bit? Most importantly remember to play by yourself whatever that looks like for you. And if your mind has no words that is perfectly acceptable. ✨️ Shine on.

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This is SO helpful, thank you Jess! I definitely am in need of a shake-up. I'm going to put Hans Zimmer on today during my daughter's nap and see what happens! You're also so right about it being reflected in autumn/winter. So much to sit with here. I really appreciate you taking the time to write all this out! Thank you so much.

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Oh good! I was a bit worried that I was giving advice that might not be asked for. Trying really hard these days with my opinions advice giving. It requires a certain level of discernment. Lol

Many years of foot in mouth kinda stuff. Haha

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I am always open to advice, thank you so much for sharing!!

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Artist dates! I LOVE this so much.

I also went to one of these candlelight concert of Hans Zimmer and it was incredible!

Also on this, I recently noticed words seem to flow to me when I’m walking the dog in the forest. It’s like I narrate what I see but never write it down. I think this helps with my internal trust that words come and go, and trusting they’ll come when they’re supposed to

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Okay the candlelight concert sounds AMAZING! And artist dates, I need to do that too! Walks in the forest are so nourishing for me as well. Such good ideas here, thank you!!

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Yes! Absolutely! Trust is such an important part! Great point!

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I think writing always goes in phases. Sometimes I can’t stop... other times I can’t start! Winter is also a time when we all need to rest and take things a bit easier so it makes sense to have a bit of a break around now. I say don’t put any pressure yourself whatsoever and only write when you really want to. We will all still be here for when you do! 💫

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Yes, absolutely! It's crazy how I can be so full of words one day and then struggling to come up with anything the next. Thank you so much, I truly appreciate your support.

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I haven't published any "official" posts since mid-October because Real Life has been full for me as well. I'll get back to it eventually, and it will take as long as it takes.

The regular practice sounds good to keep going, so consider trying this: what if you took the pressure off? Instead of "I have to write for publication on Substack," what if you said, "I will write and see what appears on the page," without any need to publish or share? That might be an interesting path or two to follow...

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I've noticed your absence! Yes exactly, just trusting the process.

Mmm that sounds like a lovely idea. I definitely need to take the pressure off. Going to try this, thank you so much!

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It's hard because on one hand, we feel this pressure to show up constantly, but we're human and need to be with the seasons. Whenever I feel this way (and yes, what you're currently experience is SO RELATABLE) I try to remind myself that TV shows have seasons. Even if I'm not producing/publishing anything, all the creative work is somehow working in my brain. And it'll find its way back again.

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That's such a good point, Sarah! And podcasts usually have seasons too. I definitely need to remind myself of that. Yes always creating, just not always producing. Thank you so much for the reassurance.

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I feel, as others have said above, that creativity comes in seasons. And it seems to me that you are aligning with winter right now. Which is beautiful and inspiring to me. You know, I stepped away from Instagram for about 4-5 months earlier this year, and then returned a little bit this autumn. I believe, however, that I am stepping away again. I just need to release and let it all be this winter.

Sending you so much love and peace in your half-baked season, my friend. ❤️

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Very much in winter, it seems. I love that you were able to come and go with Instagram, I've been the same way, kind of not really on there all year. It's been interesting but I've been able to trust that. Here, though, I love the community so much that I want to keep being here, I just don't feel like I have the same level of writing I normally do if that makes sense.

Thank you so much for this, Liz!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

If this piece was half baked, I’ll definitely take it! ❤️

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Aw you're the best, thank you!!

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

Thank you for sharing so honestly. I totally relate. You do still have words - half-baked is a great one (two?) I'm just coming out of a period like this. And ditto it wasn't that I wasn't writing, just not anything I wanted to/felt worthy of sharing. That's a key point I think. I fell out of love with social media (partly, I know it is entirely different) because of the pressure to post constantly, so I don't want that to happen here. I decided I wanted to keep showing up for my creativity, regardless of what was 'the end result' but that was different to showing up publicly. I realised I was trying too hard to follow 'best practise' for Substack as opposed to best practise for me (which also meant anyone kind enough to read my writing because I don't want to send them any old crap). I guess it's very different if Substack is your paid work? But there's no algorithm here. It's ok to ebb and flow (I think? I dunno I am still figuring it all out). This is a really helpful piece, thank you, it's made me reflect :)

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Thank you, Nelly! Yes, exactly, maybe I've been focused too much on what I want to deliver based on Substack style vs. just writing from my most authentic place. Lots to think about there! I love that you were able to listen and step away when it felt right for you!

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I love your words, half-baked, burnt or otherwise! AND I know that sometimes there is potent magic in holding our words close. Either way, you got this. Trust yourself. ♥️♥️♥️

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Thank you so much, Jenna! Emailing you today!!

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Beautiful! And we miss you!

Sometimes I think it IS about breaking the chain or reading or dancing or watching or experiencing art in another way.

Sometimes our routine stifles us and we’re trapped in it. I know that today because it snowed yesterday and now I just want to write about that... just the snow and how beautiful it is - it changed everything! It does every time...

I haven’t written my monthly email yet and I have had it at least 1/2 written every month this year way before 1st of the month. But not today and so I will show up and write it tomorrow and write whatever asks to be written and it will be enough.


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Yes! I'm definitely stuck in a routine lately so getting out of it would be helpful, I'm sure. I can't wait to read what you write about the snow-- it's so beautiful!

Beautiful, Claire. I love how you trust your intuition so well! Thank you so much for this!

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I feel this Hunter after I had a similar experience in the summer. Nothing I wrote seemed good enough and because I've set myself a committment to post weekly, I felt bad, for myself, for those readers that read my weekly posts. I don't think there is a right answer. For me, I kept writing daily, I kept showing up and the feeling passed with time. It made me realise how much creativity ebbs and flows and how you have to determine the best way to nurture yourself and your creativity. Your writing is beautiful Hunter, even when you can't find the words to say 💜

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I hate that you had to go through that but it feels so helpful to know others who have had the same experience, thank you. I do feel like I'm just going to keep writing and see what comes through, but dang it's hard when you feel like it's not your usual level of work that you strive for. Thank you so much for sharing your experience!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

Oh Dear Hunter! I find your words utterly un-boring. Yes it could be a season, or The season as we approach the winter solstice. And parenting a two year old is a beautiful, roller-coaster phase!

The fact that you're publicly sharing speaks volumes of bravery. And once a week to boot.

To quote Julia Cameron, just keep writing, no matter what. As long as the creative neurons flow, all is well.

I find that reading inspires me. Fiction or non, both send me into another dimension of thought, getting lost in another's voice, allowing my mind to consume and enjoy.

Take care and happy creating!

Susan P.

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Thank you so much, Susan! And I'm really glad you felt a connection here too! Reading has been SO helpful, I've been reading quite a bit this week and have found it's really gotten my inspiration juices flowing again!

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I've read this newsletter so many times over the last week because I can't believe how much I resonate with it! It's like you put the words that have been scrambling inside me together. Thank you for this, and I am embracing this half-baked feeling this season and allowing it to take me to where I need.

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Oh this makes me so happy, Linds. It's always such an honor when my words resonate. I hope you lean into your own half-baked season and I can't wait to see what's on the other side for you!

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I struggle with my words not being enough, not being complete, not being able to do what I want to. But I think the power of language, thought, and story, is that we're all cooking together. Your half baked idea might work really well with a spice from another country, a baking method from another generation. Thoughts don't necessarily have to be eaten immediately - they can be passed on, dealt with in different ways. It's one way I make peace with my own sense of inadequacy.

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"Thoughts don't necessarily have to be eaten immediately" YES!! This is so good and you are so right. Thank you Amy. You wrote beautifully here, so I know you have words that need to be shared!

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I think this is a beautifully honest and important post. Writing, like all creativity, is never constant. I'm sure you'll find your words again soon :).

I always try be kind to myself when I feel myself struggling and a walk in nature usually does the trick to get some words flowing.

A tip that I learnt is to describe my senses, which I usually do on these walks. I write a few words of what I see, smell, hear etc. It helps me come back to myself and reminds me I always have something to say. I hope that helps :)

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Thank you so much, Molly. Describing the senses is so good, I definitely need to practice that more!

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Beautifully written. I feel like we all get in a bit of needing to be fully baked and perfect, but embracing our flaws is what's makes us perfect.

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You're so right! Welcoming the imperfection creates a perfect piece of art, I love it. Thank you for this!

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Ooof “pulling the words out of me” triggered something within me. I feel that deeply. Those expectations and ‘shoulds’ are damn heavy and that struggle to create when it doesn’t feel ‘right’ is just awful.

But I also cannot tell you the sheer beauty of what you have shared here. And I can see that echoed within all the other comments you’ve received.

I will happily take you as you are, perfectly imperfect. Your vulnerability is the magic and the delicious frosting that covers a multitude of baking sins.

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Thank you so much, Kerry. I so appreciate you and your support. It does feel so heavy sometimes, but I am really trying to lean in and trust that timing is always working out as it should, and I have to trust these times to get to the beautiful, word-filled ones.

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Trust really does play a huge part but feels so hard to lean into. But I TRUST you’ve got this 🤍✨

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