Totally understand about the Christmas decor. I decided to not send out Christmas cards this year. I’ve never not sent out cards but right now, everything feels like too much. I simply can’t add another thing to the to-do list 🎄

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Aww yes! I love that you were able to listen to your intuition. I was laughing with my mom today because I do photography and took so many families' Christmas card photos, but then I took my daughter's Christmas photo on my iPhone today and will definitely not be sending out cards 😂 I was like, "I photograph other families and then my own kid gets an iPhone pic" 😂

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I always feel badly not sending cards out because to receive them is a true gift. But I have had to accept that some years it just doesn’t happen! If it helps... I appreciate the fact that others have this struggle as well!! Happy holidays... can this count as a card!?!

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Yup, the holidays are what we make them out to be, right? 😊💛✨

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Absolutely agree!

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This totally counts as a card 😂 Here's mine... happy holidays!!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

Love this! We too have embraced our possibly last christmas where the children don’t know what to expect and have not put up decorations as we are going away for Christmas. That said, once we are away it’s out of my hands so I’m sure they’ll expect it next year but with you on this one.

See also not too worried about seeing santa, not too worried about big gifts and just riding the fact they don’t know “the rules” yet. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

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YES! I definitely feel like this is our last year too, so fully embracing it 😂 I always love the decorations, but I hate putting them up and taking them down.

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Thank you for this! I feel overwhelmed this year with the need to slow down and do less, usually I let myself get pulled in all the directions. But this holiday season, I’m really trying to listen to what I need.

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So glad this came at a good time for you! Yes, it's so easy to lose our boundaries during this year (I'm like the poster child for it) but also super important to feel grounded in our own family rituals as well!

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I feel this in my bones. Over the years I've gradually parked things back and then parked back even further. And it feels good

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Yes!! Just downshifting more and more each year, I love it!

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Gorgeous. Thank you for this. I love the exercise you’ve suggested of checking in with your body before saying yes to holiday activities.

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Love how that resonated with you! Yes, I've been doing a lot of somatic work this year and really tuning into my body before making decisions, and it's been such a game-changer!

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

Brilliant! Simple question that could change the day!

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YES! So glad you feel that way too!

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Thank you! ❤️ this post has been the perfect reminder to come back to what makes me feel good this time of year. Also completely get the pressure and exhaustion that can come from decorating and the comparison element, it’s our first year having Christmas at home and it’s been interesting noticing the ‘shoulds’ that come in x

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I'm so glad, Jodie! Ah yes, being at home brings up SO much for me too, and I definitely overextend myself often.

Also just want you to know how LIFE GIVING your YouTube channel and TikTok/Instagram videos have been to me this month. I think I've watched almost every single one and have just so enjoyed being in your world.

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Dec 14, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

As our children have gotten older we have given one gift to all of them... one year a kitten, a ski trip, and this has been easier and more enjoyable as we share the one gift as a family. Thank you for your tips on slowing down a bit... much needed!! Xoxo

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I love that! We are going on a ski trip with my parents in January so that's everyone's big present from them! That's so nice you've been able to connect as a family with your one big gift too, how special!

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What a trip!! Enjoy and happy holidays!

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Bravo for not putting up a single piece of Xmas decor because you don’t feel like it. If I didn’t have elementary aged kids who tell me their thoughts and opinions :) I would do the same.

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Thanks Stephanie! Haha I feel like it's the last year where she won't notice, so just went with it. We also live close to my parents who went ALL OUT on decorating, so that kind of helps balance things out 😂

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You nailed it, according to me, Hunter! These are truly all of the best ways to keep it slow and simple during the holidays. So much love to you! 🎄❤️

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Love all these ideas! You’re absolutely right about decorating a small home - there’s a fine line between festive and clutter. I might have stepped over the line this year 😆. I’ve also been writing about hygge recently with a view to new year rituals and am fully embracing it. Candles, blankets, cosy socks! Happy days 🎄💫❄️

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Oh the Christmas decor has hit a chord with me! I LOVE to decorate, but I do it in my way with foraged or home made items and, of course, warm lights. It’s a process I enjoy over December BUT this year, I haven’t gotten around to it. My energy is lower this year and I’ve been thinking that I “should” get going with it but after reading your post, I’m going to put just a few bits up (the lights being what brings me most joy!) and revel in that! Thank you for the validation on that decision I didn’t know I needed ❤️

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