I can’t quite bring myself to go kindle just yet. Maybe because my work is all ‘screen screen laptop mobile’ I’m resisting another piece of technology! I can absolutely see the attraction though. My current read is an old paperback copy of Somerset Maughams The Moon and Sixpence. Definitely feels like my magically mundane / I’ve nailed this moment of the week, sitting in the French sunshine reading a classic whilst my kids swim in the lake. 💚✌️

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That makes total sense!! And there are definitely still paperbacks I prefer, it's just so nice for a quick read or most fiction, especially when traveling. Also, the French sunshine sounds incredible! Hope you had a wonderful time!

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I must say my kindle is definitely my most prized, magically mundane object. I love it because it allows me to read much more widely than I would if I relied on a book store! I have a habit of trying to read everything an author has ever written once I fall in love with their writing, and at the moment the focus of my obsession is Lucy Maud Montgomery. Where I live, I can only access the Anne of Green Gables books in analog form, but with my kindle I have her whole oeuvre at my fingertips! It’s a reminder to me that technology can open as many opportunities as it closes.

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It's truly the best, isn't it?! I loveee getting obsessed with a writer, it's like binging a series in a way. Oh that's amazing!! It's like having an entire national library at our fingertips haha

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I have a Kobo rather than a kindle but I love it so much! I used to prefer physical books but then when I got tendonitis in my arms switching to e-reader (and a stand) meant I could still read when I couldn’t physically hold a book. And now I’d be lost without it, it’s so easy to take everywhere so I’m never without a book. And yes like you say brilliant for travelling abroad and knowing I won’t run out of books to read! Also the cheap deals on ebooks (I usually only buy when they are 99p) mean I can afford to buy far more books. It also helps with my goal to have a clutter free house as no longer need to find bookshelf room or donate.

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Oooh, I've never heard of a Kobo before but that's awesome! Yes, I just love how you can lay down on your side in the dark and read and not have to deal with pages falling over and everything hahah it's the little things. I have Kindle Unlimited too which is like thousands of books available for $10 a month, so it's a good deal if you read a lot! I love it. And definitely helps the house clutter too! What are you currently reading?

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Yes I also now do the lying on my side reading in the dark thing! I am currently reading The Theory of Everything Else by Dan Schreiber. It’s about strange beliefs and conspiracy theories and the fascinating people who believe them. For example, quite a few Nobel prize winners are in there and it explores how some absurd theories lead to real discoveries. Really weird and interesting!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

Lovely post, thanks Hunter :) I used to only read physical books. I love the feeling and smell of the paper, and feel somehow more connected to the author. Recently I switched to reading fiction on my kindle, because I get through them quite quickly - It love, love, love how much more fiction I read when I use my kindle. If it turns out to be a chart topper for me, I'll consider buying the physical copy so I can re-read it in all its glory, but that rarely happens! I can't break away from reading non-fiction in physical form though -- I love being able to highlight, underline, write in margins (eek this is probably horrifying for some people!), and refer back to them with ease.

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Love that! I definitely still buy my fair share of non-fiction physical copies, usually anything with illustrations/pictures. There is nothing quite like being able to scribble in a great book! But fiction with a kindle all the way!!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I sent a friend who has just had her first baby a back-up kindle I have that I'd replaced and never got rid of, and she text me the other day sharing how she was so delighted to be able to read and hold her little one at the same time during night feeds! There's no denying it cuts the friction / barriers to reading :)

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It's on my list of must-haves for new motherhood, that's for sure! Especially when nursing/pumping! It's soo nice to have the built-in light too. I love that you did that for her, so sweet!!

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So so grateful for the beautiful mention! Thank you! I feel so honoured! 🥺 I really love these snippets of your week... and I’m excited to see your travels over on IG!

I have a kindle but haven’t charged it up in ages... I just can’t let go of real books... having said that we are going away in a few weeks and I think I might resurrect it as my suitcase will mostly be filled with baby things and space is limited!!! Would love to hear your latest read recommendations!!! I miss reading so much but just don’t carve out enough time for it.

Breakfast wise... I go through phases but am enjoying overnight oats at the moment!!!! Do love sourdough and eggs though... I’m planning to hopefully try my hand at sourdough after our holiday in July thanks to your post!!!

Safe and happy travels xxxx

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Of course! I absolutely love your work!!

Ah yes, there's no way I could have packed a few books and all the baby stuff haha so a kindle is great just for space alone! Ooh, I'm currently in the Outlander series just because I wanted something I could read as a series because I don't want to have to think too hard about my next book haha I am definitely not reading as much as I used to as well, I am really trying hard to get back into it!

Ooh yes love a good bowl of oats! I'm not a huge oatmeal person but Maverick lovesss them so I find myself making a big pot once a week and then putting the extras in the fridge.

Let me know how your sourdough adventure goes!!! I can definitely troubleshoot with you if needed!

Thank you, hope you're having a lovely weekend!

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Thank you I will definitely take you up on that!!!!! I’m sure I will have many questions!!!

Hope you are having a beautiful start to your travels. Xx

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Definitely do!!

Aw thank you! We're off to a wonderfully jet-lagged start!

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Oh I’m really tempted to go digital for my reading. I’m reading sooo many books at the moment, and I’d love to read a few chapters on a night while I’m doing the night feeds but I’m too scared to put a light on and wake the baby more 🤣. I currently save my Substack reading for through the night as I can put my phone on night mode and it really isn’t bright enough to wake baby.

I’m so confused as to which one I need though! There’s so many. Do I need the all singing and dancing kindle? Or would a second hand older one from Facebook marketplace suffice? 🤔

Also, will you do a round up post of your travels here on Substack? I really don’t want to go back to IG but I’d love to see what you get up to 🤣😅

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Oh you definitely need to get a Kindle, for night feeds alone! I feel like it is a must-have mom gadget, especially when breastfeeding. And you can make the light barely on so it never wakes the baby! It can go way darker than my phone light, and I put the dark version on so it's great!

I honestly think you can get a used kindle and it'll be totally fine. It does get a little slow and crotchety as it gets older, but you don't need the bells and whistles one.

And aw that's so sweet! Yes I am trying to figure out how I should write everything out! I'm not sure if I should do like travel guides or more like travel diaries? (I'm leaning towards the latter because that's more natural for me) I love reading people's travels and all the pictures so maybe that's what I'll do, but not sure if that'll be interesting enough! What do you think?

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It is my 30th in July, so I may ask for one for then! Thank you for your recommendation 🥰

Oh I think it’d be interesting! Do what feels most natural for you, either way, I’m sure it won’t just be me that’ll enjoy reading it and flicking through the pictures! 😍

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Aw happy almost birthday! I'm turning 30 in September. It feels like such a monumental birthday for some reason! Are you feeling that way?

Thank you!! We'll see how it plays out!

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Kobo is a great ereader if you don’t want to be limited to just Amazon. You can read ebooks from anywhere on Kobo and often means you can get free ones too. I got mine secondhand.

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deletedJun 2, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf
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Love that! I always tell everyone my focus for my toddler is protein and fruit. As long as she has an abundance of those two, the rest will fall into place. Haha

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I was about to say the same thing (enviously actually) as I've just remembered there are no eggs in the kitchen! I start the day with a similar savoury vibe to keep my blood sugar stable. Mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, egg and sourdough. Sometimes halloumi. Perfection! Also, I am a total Kindle convert... Just wish the Libby app worked on paperwhite models.

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Ahh the worst! I hate when I dream up my perfect breakfast and then realize there are no eggs in the house 🤣 that breakfast sounds divine!

Oh yes!! They need to upgrade that for sure!

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I can report that the egg situation HAS been resolved in time for this morning's breakfast 😅🍳

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OH PHEW! Thank you for the update 🤣

Hope they were great!! Hahah

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