Apr 13, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

So happy to hear you enjoyed my thoughts on how to rest, and it's an honour to be included in your round-up! Thank you. I, too, have only just come to realise the influence my cycle has on my mood and creativity. I feel like I was never taught this in school or elsewhere, which seems criminal! My magically mundane joy this week has been watching the blossom bloom on the trees in the street outside the window next to my desk. They're only out for a few weeks in the year - it's so special!

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Of course!! I was really inspired, it was a great post!

And yessss, I feel the same way. Like how crazy we are just finding this out as adults?! It changes everything, really.

I love your small joy this week! That's so beautiful. We have a couple of big trees that bloom beautifully and it's so so special when they are out for those couple of weeks. Thank you for sharing!

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Boring week of taxes, oil change, laundry and cleaning off my porches in preparation for painting. It actually felt nice to come back to tangible things to do. Congratulations on the baby walking. My kiddo waited over 12 months to get to that point. He walked on his knees for months. 👍

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Ahh I love how accomplished I feel after a boring week of doing the mundane tasks though. Haha

Enjoy painting!! And yes she did that too! She's 18 months now and I thought it was never going to happen, so very grateful!

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Seeing my grandbaba walking whilst smiling at me…. That brought me joy beyond words ( yea mav you little charmer we miss you)

Joy is a word I really appreciate, because as you get older the things that do bring you joy usually have a greater meaning than when you were young. When your younger you could get a great sense of joy from using the latest mascara or the hippest bar, but as you get older I think your more selective or your brain is anyway and it’s life’s great moments or a great view or a really good book that rocks your world… I personally love this.. bring on the joy!

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Thank god for Facetime!! We miss you so much!

Aw I love that you chose joy as your word, that's so special. You're right, I think joy moves from material things to feelings and experiences as we age. So grateful for you!!

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These are lovely, Hunter! I took quite a lot of photos of light/shadows this week, that's my favourite magically mundage thing. I'm with you on the ebb and flow of energy and creativity - my energy in particular has really been up and down this week (more down than up!) and I'm trying to go with it rather than fight it. Nothing is ever really constant, afterall, just have to ride it all out, I guess! At lest we're all in it together. 💓Need to catch up on reading Charlie's letter so thanks for that reminder too! ✨ Oooh and Notes - I love it so far, just chatting to people and sharing things I enjoy, hope it stays friendly and encouraging and that it's dealt with promptly if it starts to turn another way! x

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I love the photos you take of shadow/light! I bet the ones from this week are beautiful!

Yes! My mom used to always tell me, "the only thing constant is change". I'm so bad with it but I guess am slowly learning how to flow.

So glad you're loving Notes! I'm excited to see how it goes after a few months.

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Thank you, I need to choose something to go with this week's letter so hopefully the light will be kind tomrrow too! Haha.

I'm not great with change either - keep trying to remind myself to relax and go with it but it's so hard sometimes! We'll get there though. 💓

Agree about Notes - we'll see how it develops!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

Yay for the walking! I’m with you on the bittersweet, on his six month anniversary my baby sat unaided and had his first food and the mixture of joy and grief is all sorts. No one tells you these things.

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Ahhh yess! The first foods killed me haha. What a special and hard time. They definitely don't prepare you for these things, but I'm not sure if anyone telling me could actually prepare me for any of it at all. There's a beauty in the unknown of motherhood that I love (and hate sometimes)!

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Apr 14, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I'm sure so many people relate to the ebb and flow that you mention! I certainly do! :)

...Feeling unsure about Notes at the moment but interested in hearing everyone's perspectives.

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I guess it's just a creative rite of passage! Ha!

I definitely feel the same about Notes, I'm curious to see how it goes after a few weeks/months of use.

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Twitter - never been on it......should this be something I should have been doing???

Oh dear, classically me getting onto a social media platform looooooong after the train has departed 😂

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Ha, I don't think so! I could never get into Twitter, but I know people who have had a great experience there too. I'm the queen of getting into something after it's been trendy so I get it! 😂

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Oh gosh, I feel ‘blank’ often! I’m sorry that this happens to you, but I’m also glad I’m not alone.

Whenever I feel like this, I turn to consuming rather than creating too. I read and read and read and this usually helps my words flow.

Also, yay Maverick!! 👏🏻🥳

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Ah, makes me feel better that others experience this too! Even though it's not something I wish on you, haha, it is nice to know we're not alone. Consuming is definitely helpful in this scenario, as long as it's positive consuming! It's so easy for me to go down the negative rabbit hole so I definitely have to watch that. But reading is usually safe!!

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Isn’t it funny/infuriating that when we’re in one state of mind or way of feeling we’re convinced this is it forever! When it’s never the case because it’s not possible to stay in one emotion or one way of thinking. But crikey we can forget! 😂

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You're so right!! It can make you crazy, for sure!

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Yay toddler Maverick!! This is beautiful news. Love the sound of your planner - I have a similar strategy! I’ve never found one that works in a SUPER aligned way so I have a few! 📖✨🧚‍♂️

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I'm so pumped for her! You can just tell she feels so much more freedom now that she's walking. It's so cool seeing our kids grow and change!

Love that about your planner(s)! It's so hard to find the perfect one, as if such a thing exists! Ha!

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