Love the planting analogy Hunter. I too am great with the ideas, but could be better at seeing some things through to harvest! I am really aiming to focus on doing a few things with my full commitment, rather than the scatter a load of seeds and pray method! 🙏💫

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Ah yes! I'm definitely working on getting better at it too!

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Yes to our creativity as a garden!! My actual garden has taught me so much about my creative rhythm and learning to tend to each phase. Its imperfect, its a learning process, its flexible, it changes with each season - with each seed. I am currently learning to to do succession planting with my creativity. How to plant my seeds and tend to them, followed by another round of the seeds so that the harvest is consistent!

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I love that you've learned from your actual garden too, how beautiful. Ooh love the idea of succession planting!! Maybe that's the key.

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Yes! My learning with this is around having a consistent creative framework with new ideas living inside of it. Im seeing Weaving Wisdom as a frequency field that is sanctuary for my dynamic creativity. Having a monthly theme gives me an opening INTO a thread of learning and with that thread I weave a class with a plant, a spell, a podcast episode... Each layer keeps it feeling fresh for me and within each layer there is so much space for new ideas to birth. I need the diversity of learning and exploring and teaching to hold me gently accountable to my own medicine.

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This is so beautiful! And I, like you, am really good at planting seeds... I’m also good at helping them grow... to a point... but I tend to get distracted and start planting other seeds before the ones I’ve planted have really had a chance to flourish. Then they wither a bit and I give up on them... I don’t seem to let them get to their full expression... I think I get scared of them not being as good as I hope... but there are certain seeds I’m so so ready to nurture and see through to the full blossom phase... and even maybe pick them and press them so I can truly keep enjoying them for the future...

Mmmmm lots to ponder with this one!! Xxx

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Ahh yes! I completely understand that and have definitely done it with a few projects too. I have a perfectionist mentality that has definitely held me back throughout my life and something I've been actively working on for years.

I love that you have certain seeds you're ready to see blossom, I can't wait to see what you create in your world!

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I love this take on things and it is a great reminder to reflect on which part of the process we are drawn to and where we need to place more attention. Living cyclically and seasonally, like a garden, definitely resonates with me (even more so since having a garden) — we can’t possibly be in the same mode all of the time, especially as women (despite what society would like to have us believe!) thank you for sharing your findings and your experiences of the process...

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Mmm yes, I love your view on it! We definitely are flowing beings, especially us women, and I think it's super important that we honor that part of us. So glad this resonated with you!

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I am currently participating in a group that is meeting every Monday. We start out with a guided meditation each session, and we're being guided through a "Dream Garden." Hello synchronicity!

My current projects (blogs and YouTube channel) show up as healthy growing saplings. I have been shown recently a series of bushes with some shears and a pair of gloves, so I'm making a topiary collection in my meditations this week. My first topiary "project" was...a snail. Interested in seeing what my mind generates next.

Working at being a better Harvester at the moment.

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Wow! This sounds so so cool! ✨✨

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It does, doesn't it?! Maybe we need to start something similar, Claire! Haha

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I love that, what a beautiful 'coincidence'!

How beautiful, excited to see how your meditations grow in your magical creative garden!

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We are gardeners. May we tend meticulously, sacredly, joyfully ❤️

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

“There is the planting of seeds phase, where we can come up with ideas and ‘plant’ them here and there and everywhere.”

This is me!

This is such a wonderful analogy 🌞

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Me too!! So glad you resonated with it!

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Such a good analogy. I totally relate! 🤍

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Ahh yes! Likeminded, for sure!

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Totally resonate with the planting portion. Seems like as soon as o get a sprout I’m bored and move on.

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Yes!! I'm the same way. Do you know your human design?

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Manifesting generator. So yeah 🤪

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Oh yess, me too. So that checks out 😂

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haha meee tooo!

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I certainly felt a bit better about my ever changing passions when I learned my design.

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Same! Makes more sense and helps me to embrace my many facets haha

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Thank you for sharing what you are seeing through gardening. I, too, am seeing through my lack of interest in gardening this year(the first year of uninterest in it, in possibly 10+ years!). I am smack dab in the midst of my wild woman years (perimenopause) and after building a new house this past year, I came into spring purposely not wanting to garden at all. I was shocked by this revelation. I have just this past week been sitting with what this all means for me in my current life phase. My findings, I'm sure, will make its way to my substack. Your article was very timely for me. Thank you.

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I guess naturally there is a season to let the ground rest? The Jubilee Year!

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Oooh what a beautiful perspective, Jessica! There is absolutely a time to not garden at all. Entering your wild woman years, I imagine, to be a wonderful time to let go of tending to things for a bit! I found that the whole first year of motherhood I couldn't water anything other than just keeping me and baby alive haha. You're right, there is always a resting season and it's so important to honor that too. Can't wait to see your Substack on your findings!

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Absolutely adore this and my yoga teacher talks us in and out of these concepts a lot. I was smiling as I read it as I had this whole concept as a gift for folks called “your self seeded summer” as something to send out before school hols hit and with virus’ and international client work I ran out of time.

The beautiful thing is there isn’t a right time is there - it will happen...

Thank-you for your beautiful words and gifting these stories to us Hunter. ✨🎁

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Aw I love that! You're right, there's never a 'perfect' time. It will happen exactly when it's meant to!

Thank you so much for your support, always!

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There is such potent wisdom in this post. I loved reading your reflections, isn’t the insight that flourishes when we view our lives through the lens of nature the most beautiful thing?!

I’ve been a seed planter for as long as I can remember, I often have an intense burst of creative energy in the spring of my cycle but it’s only fairly recently that I’ve really started to embrace the phases of tending that are required for an abundant harvest. I guess you could say I’m still planting seeds but for the first time I’m remembering to water them!

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I love this analogy, Hunter! I’m very good at planting, I have SO many ideas constantly whirring around. I have notes and scraps of paper full of them. Sometimes I’m great at getting those seeds to grow, but very few make it to harvest.

In fact, this post has prompted a good journaling session to discover what I need to prioritise and truly bring to harvest. Thank you for sharing! 🥰

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