I only found exercises I feel like doing regularly when our Younger was four. That is, more than seven years of almost no exercise other than walking. And before pregnancy workouts several times a week. Motherhood can strongly change life. You have to be understanding both to your body and to your daily routine, rather unpredictable with small children.

Now, really light pilates or yoga is my choice.

I wish you to feel better! :)

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Thank you!! Yes I definitely feel like I won't be consistently doing exercise other than walking for a while still. It's a massive adjustment adding a little one to the mix, and you're so right that being understanding is super important. Light pilates and yoga sound like a great plan to me!

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Ah this was a beautiful and reassuring read! I’ve not exercised much but I’m finding my way with yoga and a curious and slightly intrusive toddler. I’m building up to a solo run - I’d like to run by myself at the beach but I’m afraid my legs wouldn’t carry me...

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These toddlers and their lack of personal space 🤣

I started with some light yoga a few weeks ago too. It’s hard to get back into it when you’ve been away for a while. You should definitely try a solo run! I was surprised by how much stamina I had after that long of not running. It was just the other stuff that got in the way haha

Thank you for your comment!

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You went for a run with a toddler! Take a moment & celebrate that!!

I’m going to be one of ‘those people’ & tell you, this time will pass & you will turn around & your babe will be a grown up heading off to make her mark in the world before you know it. Yep, it really is true. I eye rolled a gazillion when well meaning interfering older mothers safely gave me this advice, like they actually understood my life!!! 🙄


He went & became an adult in the blink of an eye & took himself off to military school just over 12 months ago now. He’s an actual proper responsible human & I wonder when did that happen & marvel at how sensibly he turned out!! My heart still aches & the loss of him leaving still soccer punches me into next week but I also know this is his time to expand his rings & fly.

This parenting gig is the hardest AND most rewarding thing all at once.

Tiffany 🧡

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Thank you so much for that, Tiffany! It really blows my mind how fast it all goes, and I already catch myself saying those kinds of things to new moms and just knowing I totally did the eye roll too. Haha but it's true! I guess you don't know until you experience it yourself.

It's such a good reminder though that this time is fleeting and short and I need to enjoy every minute. Thank you for sharing that with me. And oh my goodness military school is such an accomplishment! I'm sure you've raised an amazing kid. Parenting is a total trip, but the best job in the world! Thank you again for your sweet comment.

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