I am about to embark on the adventure of motherhood, I am due September 9th. Boy these 9 months have flown by... I am so excited to meet this little one on the outside of my body. I am also nervous about it all, being a good mom, birth, all the things, but I know it will happen as it needs to. What an honor it is to become a mom! I feel changed already going through this pregnancy, but I am so excited to see how it will continue to change me. What a beautiful journey. Thanks for sharing this! ❤️

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Oh Lorissa, I am SO excited for you!!! My birthday is September 18th, so love that you're going to have a sweet Virgo!

Pregnancy is so powerful, isn't it? You are literally growing a human, you're superwoman!

I totally get the nerves, it's such a life-changing experience filled with so so many ups and downs. The best advice I got was to put away the books and ignore everyone else's opinions and fully tune into my own intuition. You are this baby's perfect mother, the ultimate mother, and you have everything within you to know what to do. It takes a bit to stretch the trust muscle, but then you'll be tuned in! I can't wait to hear how your journey unfolds!

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Thank you! That is wonderful advice ☺️ I will let you know how it goes! You guys will have close birthdays!!!

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So thrilled for you!! You've got this, mama!

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Gosh beautiful words lovely soul! Witnessing you in this powerful transformative portal! I remember thinking that very same thing about Sophia... she was the piece I didn’t know was missing... and now with both girls I have never felt more stripped bare... vulnerable... wide open and uncertain in some ways... but within that I have never felt more whole. Thank you for this beautiful drop of sweetness. Xxx

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Thank you so much!! It really is the missing piece, and also the hardest thing I've ever done by far. We constantly go back and forth on having another one or not. I love the relationship I have with my sister and want that for her when she's older, but also the day-to-day of now seems like it would be A LOT with a second. Ahh I guess it will just unfold as it should, if that little spirit baby calls to us strong enough. Xx

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It’s so important to have such deep conversations about it I think... we did... and in all honesty it’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done having two. I spent my pregnancy grieving what I was losing with Sophia, and of course simultaneously excited for our family to expand and to meet the little soul who had decided to join us. I had trust through it all but it’s far from easy. It’s also deepening so many lessons in myself so I know I’m where I need to be, and watching the two girls together absolutely bowls me over with love. So many complexities as always!!!! Xxx

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We are definitely still undecided, and I can honestly see us going either way. I can only imagine how hard it must be, and so rewarding too! Motherhood is such a paradox. Thank you for sharing your experience, I know you are such an incredible mama to those two sweet girls!

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That’s how I felt... I was trusting either path! Thank you lovely. I try and remember that but at times I don’t always feel like I am! But that’s just based on comparison to ridiculous societal narratives that are impossible to reach!! A topic for another conversation! Ha! Xxx

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf

I am not yet a mother, I am a daughter who already grew up too fast. I was once my mother's best friend, and my mother was once my best friend. But now, living under the same roof as my mother, our bond isn't that close as before. It's like parting from a mother in terms of connection is inevitable. And everyone seems to agree with that thought. Although time and changes separate a child from her mother's arm, there will always be a day when the child will go back to her mother. That day will always be around.

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I do think there's a healthy separation that has to occur so we can go and create our own lives, though we still can always have the support from our moms. I went and lived in England with my husband for the first year of our marriage, and while it was so hard to be apart from my mom, it was so needed to establish my own life as an adult. I now live literally on the same property as her, which is so helpful when raising a little one, but also hard in it's own ways!

I hope you and your mom can find a healthy way back to each other, sending all my love!

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The mother-daughter relationship is such a powerful one - for good or ill. I hope I can meet the separation with openness and curiosity. Right now I just treasure every time my daughter comes to me.

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It really is! It's so fascinating. I hope the same for me and my daughter!

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I told you it would fly past .... I grew with my children, learned something new everyday, and I treasured it still do.. but now I get to be a mamar ( a Grammy lol ) I love all my grand babies and my babies ( which btw to me will never stop being my babies)

Love every second of it good and bad xxx

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It really does! And you definitely learn and grow with them. So special!!

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf


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Thank you so much.

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I don't have children Hunter so I can't entirely relate but reading this was so beautiful, thank you for sharing 💫

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Aw thank you for being here!

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Aww so so precious and beautifully articulated. Luna just paused on watched her show and turned and smiled at Dave and I today and it felt like the first time all over again - that smile where I see his mum and me as a toddler and my first born all rolled into this beautifully fierce Elsa loving, rainbow chasing little person - there’s no adoration like it. ✨💖✨

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Aww I love those random moments where you're like, "they love us back!" It's so special.

Seeing both sides of our family all mixed up into this tiny beautiful soul is magical, isn't it?

I love motherhood so much.

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I just love how you describe motherhood, Hunter! I know exactly what you mean in your post. We’re starting weaning next month and I swear he was born like 2 weeks ago 😭

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Aw yes!! The weaning journey was so emotional for me, and it really does show you how far you've both come in such a short amount of time!

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So beautifully captured. Motherhood is an incredible journey.

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It really is the most amazing thing, isn't it?

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It is so many things. Amazing one of them ☺️

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deletedAug 28, 2023Liked by Hunter Burgtorf
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I love that, Nancy! Thank you so much for your sweet comment.

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