Welcome back :) Motherhood is a constant cycle of feeling full and depleted, often within the same hour. Go easy on yourself during these first years 🌸 I’m looking forward to see what bubbles forth :)

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Thanks so much Jennifer. It really is such a cycle. So grateful you’re here!

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Lovely post 🙏🏻; I am experimenting with doing far less--some might call it nothing--as my geysers of energy dwindled after a big project. Life simplification, including digital detox, and avoiding or reducing dopamine hit-seeking behaviour is helping restore my flow. 🦢🌊

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I love that you are listening to your intuition and doing what's best for you!! That's amazing. Sometimes doing nothing is exactly what we need to catapult into that next level of creativity.

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Thank you for your kind words. You probably saw A Year of Nothing by Emma Gannon (limited-release book by the Pound Project, orders may close today: https://www.poundproject.co.uk/shop/a-year-of-nothing/). It is a challenge for me to learn the lesson of nothingness practice as an opening to future creative flow. Sounds like you already are an old hand at this! 🌸

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Yay! So great to hear from you and read your words! One of the things I love about Substack is this way we can hold space for each other, the way we hold each other in our hearts even when not reading each other's words. And I love that you're honoring your cycles. May that be an example for us all!

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Yes absolutely! I have thought about you and so many others here multiple times over the past few months, so it feels so soul-filling to reconnect. Thank you so much for being here as always, Jenna! I can't wait to catch up on your posts!

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Yep, I hear you…well done for unplugging and getting back to you and your family. I deleted Instagram this month….finally. An unhelpful comment did the trick for me. My life was getting consumed by checking for subscribers and likes. Sadly it’s the same on all social media platforms - a world of putting in a lot of effort for not a lot in return. Good luck with your plans. Thank you for sharing. 🙏💜

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Thanks so much! Yeah it can definitely be such a deep dark hole. I remember hearing someone say one time, "create more than you consume" and I feel like the only semi-healthy way to be on that app is to just create your content, post and get off. Otherwise it's too much.

Thank you for being here!

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I read recently that only 1% of social media users currently create content, the remainder consume. I initially thought, oof, that’s a lot of potential readers, buuuuut… not really. And not good, for anyone. Consumers or creators!

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Whoa 1%?! That's such a small number, wow. Does make you think there's a lot of potential as a creator, but you're also right, it's not really good for anyone if you really think about it.

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Right?? My hope is that we’re approaching the burst of the bubble, suggested maybe by the growth of this community and the very clear intention of the folks here. Hooo boy, fingers and toes… let’s all meet in the middle!!

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First time I've read you. I'll be back...

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So glad you enjoyed it, Michael! Thank you so much!

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Ive just discovered you. Subscribed immediately.

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Thank you so much for joining me here, Bonnie!

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Can’t believe how much I relate to this. Newish Mum here too, my son is 17 months. I left social media a bit over a month ago for the same reasons - it was affecting my real life negatively. I too found the breathing space left in its absence.

I use Substack as a blog or online diary because I love to share but I don’t want the distraction of the big socials.

Thanks for sharing.

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Yes! I feel like the parenthood topic alone on Instagram is such a trip. Glad you were able to get some space from it, too.

Substack is soo good to use as an online diary! I love that.

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I was nodding a long at every word as I read this, I just recently came back to my writing and photographing not for anyone else but me, I'd entered the realm of network marketing over on instagram myself recently as a way to make extra money and focus on myself a little more, only to realise too that focusing on myself was the last thing I was doing and I most definitely wasn't making any money. Thankyou for being so honest and welcome back!!

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Sounds like we have been on very similar journeys, Caroline! So glad you're finding your way back to yourself, too! Thank you so much for your sweet comment!

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You're very welcome. How's the photography going? I'm in the process of building a portfolio of work.

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It's going really well, actually! Last year was the first time I advertised/shared my work other than just word of mouth, and it was pretty slow, but this year things have just taken off. I've had a shoot (or two) almost every day for the past month, so I'm really excited. Also a bit exhausted haha but it feels good to see some success with it after casually doing photography for the past 5 or 6 years and making basically no money from it (just building my portfolio basically!).

How is photography going for you?

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Yes I'm at the stage of building a portfolio of work and thinking about the type of Photography I wish to produce, although I've been a keen photographer for a few years now the stopping and starting of it hasn't helped me grow. That feeling off self judgement has really held me back sometimes. Good luck with yours it sounds like you are really hitting it off, wow a shoot everyday is amazing.

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Welcome back! I’m a few years down the road from you with my parenting but remember the utter *need* to step back from overstimulation and noise when my kids were little (I mean, I still feel that way now!) and think it’s brilliant that you listened to that voice. I have a handful of regrets in life but opting out of the noise as and when I needed was never one of them.

Also, just adding my vote for Fourth Wing too. I haven’t read all of SJM’s books but I really did fall super hard for the Empyrean. 💚

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Thank you so much, Brooke! Yes definitely, it's such a whirlwind but also such a special time. Thank you for that wisdom.

Ahh Fourth Wing is sooo good. I told my husband I'll be at the midnight release when the new book comes out in January 😂 I'm so excited for it.

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I’ll be there too! 😆 I don’t think a book has hit me in that way for years. Just pure escapism and I’m here for it. Bring on January 💚

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Yesss! I was deep in the Twilight, Divergent, Hunger Games era as a teenager and this is the first time I've felt like that since. So fun!!

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So lovely to see your name come up, there certainly has been a hole without you and your words.

Thank you for your updates. Take your time and your space, everyone is waiting for you xx

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Thank you so much, Lyndsay. I'm so excited to catch up on everyone's writing here as well! I've missed reading your posts!

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Ahh that’s so kind of you to say xx

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I've been here before for sure - good for you for taking a break when needed and then for coming back! I'll also say that every day as a mom is new, especially at this age. Ours is 3.5 now and just when you think you have it figured out they throw you a crazy curveball. So new mom is a prefectly acceptable term in my book 🥰

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Aww yes! It's so crazy how once you get into the groove with something in motherhood, it changes. Embracing it and also learning to accept it are what I'm working on these days! Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Kaitlin!

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Ahhh we missed you and your magical presence here. Xx

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I've so missed being here! Thank you for the warm welcome back. Xx

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So enjoyed reading this piece. It made me feel seen and heard as I've been through very similar feelings this past year and it felt like it was never going to pass. Glad to see you back over 🫶🏼

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I’m sorry you’ve felt similarly, it can feel so defeating when you just can’t find your groove or get back into the right space. I hope you can find your way back soon too. Thank you so much for being here, Hannah!

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First, let me welcome you back. I am truly grateful for your openness and willingness to share your life with us. There comes a time in everyone's life when the well runs dry, but it's truly exhilarating when ideas and words begin to overflow, bringing you back to this wonderful place.

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Thank you so much, Devon. Yes, it feels so good when the words return. Thanks for being here!

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Ahh Hunter I so resonate with this as I have stepped back too but this is the one place that

Didn’t feel hard I just have had so much other things that it started to feel overwhelming here and I’m trying to figure out how much I want to come back into the space vs other ones.. but it’s true it feels so welcoming and the people we connected with are always there and so amazing! So happy to see you back but also taking the time for yourself—we should always listen to that inner wisdom and what need.. and I am learning there is no reason to constantly show up either, consistency through intentional, authentic action I think is what is needed and if more follow that it’ll shift a lot in the online culture as well… our priorities, I think, should always be our wellness and family..the rest falls into place as it should. 🤍 hugs to you and hope to talk more ❤️

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Yesss! It’s so hard to know where to put our (oftentimes) small amount of energy. But it does feel soo good here, so it felt like the right time to make a little “return”. I hope you’ll find the right way for you too!! I’ve missed connecting with you here!

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I have felt the same way in regard to overconsumption. I forget what’s my thoughts and feelings and what’s theirs…I always love the reminder to be mindful of how much I consume and it’s validating to know I’m not the only one out there struggling with boundaries around this. Welcome back!

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Ahh yes!! And I love to be in denial about it too 😂 but it really does consume me and then, like you said, I don’t know what’s mine and what’s theirs anymore. Thank you so much for being here!

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